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Powrót do kalendarium Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2008-02-05
Investing & Financing Renewable Energy in Russia
Renewable Russia – steps for the future
This conference aims at giving you the opportunity to get first hand information about investment opportunities, laws and regulations, domestic supply and demand and how to manage laws and regulations and find out the secrets of doing business in Russia.
Conference focus:

* Investment opportunities
* Market barriers
* Financial issues
* Risks
* Local legislation
* Local supply and foreign presence
* Technical preparedness
* Market access

Russia is one of the most interesting markets today and with its vast natural resources Russia is not only an important player in the gas and oil sector, but has an enormous potential for Renewable Energy - Wind, Hydro, and Bioenergy.

The aim of this conference is to bring together the stakeholders and experts in the Russian Renewable Energy sector. Meet the Russian experts in renewable energy and foreign investors and project developers, and the pioneers already established in the Russian market.

Listen to presentations about how to succeed in the Russian market and how the Renewable Energy Legislation will affect the development and investment climate in the future, energy efficiency projects and experiences from utilities in the county and the sector.

Sign up today for Investing and Financing Renewable Energy in Russia and meet and greet the important stakeholders. Get an opportunity to create strategic alliances and networks!

Karin Ekdahl
Project Manager

Kategoria wydarzenia:

Z życia branży

Terminy wydarzenia




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